Monday, April 23, 2012

Polio Eradication Update people still get Polio? Isn't there a vaccine for that? The answer to both questions is yes. Polio is still considered an epidemic in Nigeria, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Polio is a viral disease that attacks its host's nervous system, often crippling the victim. The CDC, WHO, UNICEF, and other non-profit organizations are teaming up to try and eradicate Poliovirus. India and Nigeria are making progress, particularly India. By the end of 2012, India is expected to stop the transmission of Poliovirus, and Nigeria has only reported 23 cases of Polio so far in 2012. Afghanistan and Pakistan, unfortunately, are not making any progress towards eradication. Do you want to help and make a difference? Help eradicate Polio HERE. Anything can help, and the world is so close to eradicating Poliovirus. Only two infectious diseases have been eradicated to date: smallpox and rinderpest. Let's all pull together and make Poliovirus the third.


  1. I think this is a extremly important point. With all the controversy surronding vaccines if we could eliminate polio we could stop taking the vaccine and that would be one more thing parents didn't need to worry about. In addition, I find it so appalling that in our modern age, we can't eliminate a disease we have all the tools to eliminate. Hopefully we are on our way and we will see polio eliminated in our lifetimes.

  2. I agree with Anna. If we could eradicated polio, then we would't even have to vaccinate against it. If this happened then maybe a lot of the controversey surrounding vaccines would be depleted. I hope in the near future we can finally eradicate this disease.
